
Sunday, May 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by carlyf04.
for people who need to know that a square object can be hung both vertically AND horizontally

Friday, May 19, 2006

Well duh

who didn't see this coming?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I object!

Originally uploaded by carlyf04.

I was playing around on this site:
and uploaded this picture of me to find celebs i look like.
who do i look like, you ask?

Mike Myers. yep. Yasser Arafat was in the list too (of males). Lucille Ball was the number one female. Whitney Houston was also in the list. not sure how i feel about this. I guess I should use a different picture.

update: i tried it again and got no male results!

Should be working...

"Hate the sin; love the sinner"
what the heck does that mean, anyway? I understand the good intentions behind it, but i think people use it more often than not to disguise their judgment of someone doing something that requires a little finger-wagging and 'tsk tsk'-ing. "it's not you, it's your sin." i think it's a cop out. is it possible to embrace someone, sin and all, and not let that affect our thoughts or judgment of them? maybe 'embracing sin' is dangerous ground to approach... almost like i'm saying it's part of our identity. it is, though. is that too pessimistic?

i have more to say but i should be working... back later

Monday, May 01, 2006


"God always ignores your present level of completeness in favor of your ultimate future completeness. He is not concerned about making you blessed and happy right now, but He's continually working out His ultimate perfection for you..."